Welcome to High Heel Funerals & Ceremonies!

Our agency is the only one in Sweden that offers grief work, ceremonies and celebrancy exclusively to the lgbtqia+ communities. All the work we do is based on the fact that queer and trans people are magical, loved and important people in our communities and in the world.

Our Mission…

Is to create safer spaces for people to mark and celebrate the transitions in life (and death) and to gain access to spiritual practices regardless of our backgrounds. We welcome clients and communities of various religious and secular traditions. Our work is always centered around queer and trans experiences. We believe in radical solidarity, community organizing, body- and sex positivity and transformational justice. Together we can heal, thrive and shape a queer future.

Zafira Vrba Woodski in a black dress with sunflowers and a teal background
A colourful altar with sacred objects, framed photographs and high heel candle holders

About High Heel Funerals & Ceremonies

Hi, I’m Rev. Zafira Vrba Woodski, the founder of High Heel Funerals & Ceremonies. I’m an Interfaith Minister, death doula and artist living in Stockholm, Sweden. I support queer and trans communities with ceremonies, celebrations, grief work and spiritual counseling.

High Heel Funerals & Ceremonies offers a free 20-minute consultation/negotiation for all new proposals and assignments. Book a consultation today!


Our commitment is to provide tailored ceremonies, events and resources for queer and trans communities in Stockholm, Sweden. Here are several ways you can find solace, healing, and support. Let us guide you through these significant moments and help you shape a beautiful and authentic story of your own.

Discover all that High Heel Funerals & Ceremonies has to offer.


format_quoteAny context would be better if Zafira was involved. With Zafira, there is magic in every room.format_quote
Andie Pirata
format_quoteZafira has a fantastic ability to create a safe and dignified atmosphere in the room. Through their friendly and clear presence, Zafira provides space for strong emotions and the opportunity for community.format_quote
format_quoteZafira created a nice and dignified ceremony in memory of my daughter. We had a good collaboration during the planning and design of the ceremony and it became an important part of my grief work. I think everyone who was there felt the same.format_quote
format_quoteZafira skapade en fin och värdig ceremoni till minne av min dotter. Vi hade ett bra samarbete under planeringen och utformningen av ceremonin och det blev en viktig del av mitt sorgearbete. Jag tror att alla närvarande kände detsamma.format_quote
format_quoteVilket sammanhang som helst skulle bli bättre om Zafira var inblandad. Med Zafira finns magi i varenda rum.format_quote
Andie Pirata
format_quoteGenuinely one of the best facilitated sessions on any subject I’ve been to anywhere.format_quote
Jim, workshop participant
format_quoteThinking back to the farewell ceremony which Zafira led prior to my top surgery, I'm still struck by how skillfully Zafira created a beautiful environment in which I felt respected, seen, and safe.format_quote
format_quoteZafira har en fantastisk förmåga att skapa en trygg och värdig stämning i rummet. Genom sin vänliga och tydliga närvaro ger Zafira utrymme för starka känslor och möjlighet till gemenskap.format_quote
format_quoteNär jag tänker tillbaka på avskedsceremonin som Zafira ledde innan min mastektomi slås jag fortfarande av hur skickligt Zafira skapade en vacker miljö där jag kände mig respekterad, sedd och säker.format_quote

What’s On